Wednesday, June 29, 2011

FACS Mentoring Program

I have had the opportunity to participate in the FACS Mentoring Program over the past 2 years. I have to admit, it has been one of the best programs I have been a part of over the course of my 26-year teaching career. It has been a positive experience.

There are many reasons why I've enjoyed the Mentoring Program. First of all, I have had the opportunity to meet teachers in the field who have just started teaching or who have taught before, but are now returning to the profession. The enthusisam that is generated through interactions like these is invigorating. We would have meetings to discuss a variety of different topics: advisory committess, FCCLA, FACS curriculum, discipline ideas, and state reporting. The benefit to presenting this information is that I have to know it in order to share it. Being a mentor allows me to dig deep into information that I need to share.

Secondly, the personal connections that I have made with the Northern Colorado mentees has been such an awesome experience. I love knowing who the teachers are in the various schools and getting to know them on a personal level. I love the fact that we can email each other with not only professional questions and concerns, but personal ones as well.

Lastly, the support for new teachers that is provided through the FACS Mentoring Program is very valuable. There is so much to know, to learn, and to implement as a FACS teacher and this program helps chunk it down and allow new teachers to learn as they go through the first 1-3 years of their teaching experience.

I have learned so much through this program and developed friendships that will last a lifetime. For that, I am thankful.

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